On August 17, 2017, Delmarva Power filed an electric rate increase seeking an additional $24.4 million in added electric revenues and a gas rate increase seeking $12.8 million in added gas revenues. The Company notes the increases at 4.5% on total electric revenue and 8.8% on total gas revenue. However, in reflecting the increase with respect to the electric and gas delivery business it is 10.4% to 14.1% on electric and 14.2% to 14.6% on the gas delivery business depending on rate class.
• With the Company’s emphasis on timely recovery of their capital investments and increased operating expenses, Staff expects rate cases to be filed on a much more frequent basis. Unfortunately for customers, that means continuing to absorb 5 to 6% annual rate increases. Staff expects these types of requests to continue unless customers begin to take an active interest and register their concerns in public comment hearings to be scheduled in late October or early November.
• The Commission will consider the electric and gas opening orders in the meeting on August 22. 2017. Under current Delaware law, consumers could expect a $2.5 million increase in both the electric and gas cases; electric effective October 16th, gas effective November 1, 2017, with full rates into effect on March 17, 2018 and April 1, 2018 respectively.
• Staff will be reviewing the application, requesting additional information and submitting testimony to try and achieve a fair and balanced outcome for both the company and its customers. But Staff needs more input from Delmarva’s customers on rate issues.
• Expect this case will be wrapped up in late spring 2018